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Des especially loves traveling, hiking, cooking, and learning new languages, and it's no surprise that she has a rock collection at home.
Ph.D. Student in Geosciences

Desire is in a Ph.D. program in Geosciences working with Dr. Madeline Schreiber at Virginia Tech. Over the next few years, Des is excited to investigate groundwater geochemistry changes that may be occurring in the Potomac Aquifer System (PAS) due to Managed Aquifer Recharge operations. Her Ph.D. research includes sediment characterization involving near-total acid digestion of aquifer sediment samples, X-ray diffraction, XRD, combustion analysis (sulfur and TOC), and grain size analysis. She will also conduct batch experiments to subject aquifer sediments to changes in redox conditions, pH, and ionic strength.

Desire Piphus

Virginia Tech Email



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